Daniel Austin
Daniel Austin is a writer, broadcaster and editor from Liverpool in the United Kingdom who is a features specialist within the GPFans team.
A sports media industry professional for more than ten years, his work across Formula 1, football and beyond has included stints with the BBC, Reach plc, the Independent, the i, and Metro.
A francophone who has spent time living and working in France and Belgium, he has also written for the Guardian and made appearances on international television networks including Sky News, France Info, CNN and Al Jazeera.
A Formula 1 fan since childhood, thanks to races being available on free-to-air TV in the UK in the mid-to-late 2000s, his work focuses on emotional storytelling in elite sport – the pressure the world’s most talented athletes are under, the social impact their stories can have, and why it all matters so much.
Lu 04 NovLunes 4 noviembre
Ma 29 OctMartes 29 octubre
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Sa 12 OctSábado 12 octubre
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Sa 05 OctSábado 5 octubre
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Do 16 JunDomingo 16 junio
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Vi 14 JunViernes 14 junio
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Mi 10 MayoMiércoles 10 mayo
Do 30 AbrDomingo 30 abril
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Mi 22 MarMiércoles 22 marzo