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Tsunoda brain overheating triggered Red Bull psychologist call

Tsunoda brain overheating triggered Red Bull psychologist call

Tsunoda brain overheating triggered Red Bull psychologist call

Tsunoda brain overheating triggered Red Bull psychologist call

AlphaTauri driver Yuki Tsunoda has conceded to his brain "overheating" behind the wheel of his AT03.

The Japanese driver is one of the most well-liked in the paddock due to his jovial off-track demeanour yet when he takes to the circuit, a fiery attitude tends to appear.

Nothing proves this more than some of his team radio outbursts throughout his first season and a half in the sport.

Red Bull motorsport advisor Dr Helmut Marko has revealed to the team hiring a psychologist in order to moderate Tsunoda's temper behind the wheel.

Offering an insight into the new addition, Tsunoda explained: "I was already working with another psychologist in F2.

"I was really happy working with him and also, he was part of the reason I was able to step up to Formula 1. He was able to help me develop my performance in F2, the consistency.

"They [Red Bull] hired a new psychologist from, I would say, four races ago. It is working well...

"I did have the crash [referring to his incident with Pierre Gasly at Silverstone], but it will have to take a little more time because he has to understand more about myself.

"Also, I have to understand what direction we have to take."

Tsunoda hopeful new psychologist makes the difference

Tsunoda's crash with team-mate Gasly in last weekend's British Grand Prix was a misjudged lunge up the inside of Village corner, one that hampered both driver's chances for points.

"Definitely, one of my limitations is I start to get overheated - overheating, especially my brain - in the car," confessed Tsunoda.

"There are some situations that make it slightly better but I know I have to improve myself in order to get more consistency.

"Hopefully the new trainer can work well for the future."


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