Drive to Survive - a documentary series produced in a collaboration between Netflix and F1 - has been credited with attracting a whole new generation of followers to the sport.
F1 legend Alain Prost won three world titles with McLaren way before the days of Drive to Survive, in 1985, 1986 and 1989, and another with Williams in 1993, and was a great career rival of the sadly departed Ayrton Senna.
"I think it was one thing I really thought about very often because it's very simple in our generation. We only had fans of Formula 1 and obviously we were passionate, but mechanics, engineers, drivers obviously, but even the media, they were really passionate about our sports," said the Frenchman. "You know, let's say the old generation.
"And now slowly we came to the, let's say, Netflix story during the Covid time, which made Formula 1 very interesting because we had a lot of people and really young generation very interested about our sport. But, you can be a fan, but are they going to be traditional lovers of our sport?
"Are they going to be more and more interested about the human side? The technology? You [only] have a little bit of the whole part of this story."